Saturday, October 27, 2007

Joshua D. Rand and Peter Tuscher


I visited Sapotek and there had a meeting with Sapoteks CEO Joshua D. Rand. We had a very interesting discussion about several matters regarding the web 2.0 evolution in general and web desktops in specific. We came to focus on, with referal to web desktops, these questions;

- Flash vs Ajax and what is to prefer. Pro and cons for a web desktop.
- The possibilities for a web desktop in a multi intranet environment?
- What to think about when prototyping and how fast can a Swedbank branded prototype be produced?
- Sapotek and other stuff going on
- What is beyond web desktop - MetaWeb?

To follow up this discussion we will now set up a telephone meeting with Sapotek tech guys and Swedbank tech guys to deeper dig in to what can be done in a short time perspective.

I also learned that Sapotek has íts programming resources in Mexico. The New York facilitys are more lika a show room and sales office.
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